Kerang Primary School offers a comprehensive and inclusive curriculum for all students at our school that is differentiated to meet each child’s learning needs and interests.
We provide a sequentially developed program, which follows the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development guidelines as set out in the Victorian Curriculum.
Information about the Victorian Curriculum can be found at: http://victoriancurriculum.vcaa.vic.edu.au
Literacy Kerang Primary School is committed to delivering an evidence-based Literacy program that uses best practice and the high impact teaching strategies to accelerate student learning. Each classroom has a 2-hour Literacy block that is delivered using the big 6 key elements to Literacy including:
Oral Language, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency, Comprehension
This allows each child to grasp the key elements required to become successful when reading and writing and supports the overall academic growth of our students.
A gradual release of responsibility model is employed when teaching the various elements of literacy which uses explicit teaching, guided practice and independent practice to ensure that each concept is fully understood before moving on to more complex learning.
As a school, we follow the Sounds-Write teaching program that draws on well-established theories of learning and teaching to ensure that we are teaching children to read and write in the most effective and efficient way.
Numeracy At Kerang Primary School, we use hands on materials, games, open ended tasks, investigative work and problem-solving activities to develop a deep understanding of the concepts being taught in our daily numeracy lessons. The gradual release of responsibility model is used to ensure students are ready to take on the challenge of applying their knowledge and tasks are differentiated to ensure all students are learning at their point of need.
Through using these approaches, we are able to develop optimal learning growth for the range of students we see in the class across the five strands of Mathematics (Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space and Statistics).
Teachers use the four proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem-solving and Reasoning to move students from understanding a concept to being able to apply the concept to everyday situations.
As well as offering our intensive Literacy and Numeracy sessions the school also provides a rich variety of Specialist Aras and Programs to suit the age and needs of the students.
Auslan. Weekly Auslan lessons are delivered across all year levels at Kerang Primary School. Auslan is the sign language of the Australian Deaf community and has a strong connection with Australian Deaf culture. Students use song, greetings and alphabet knowledge when learning Auslan.
Sport and P.E. A wide variety of skills and sports are taught over the year to help our students achieve their personal best in the sporting arena. These will coincide with athletic sports, cross country, winter sports (senior grades) and swimming. Our focus of Sport & P.E being on teamwork, commitment, setting goals and striving for personal best where every student is encouraged to challenge themselves to try new skills and sports.
Our Early years students also participate in P.M.P. (Perceptual Motor Program). This program involves grades prep, 1 and 2 students taking part in an intensive program involving fine and gross motor co-ordination, as well as auditory and visual skills. Children learn the critical fundamental motor skills such as catching, kicking, throwing, bouncing etc.
Art Students will have a weekly lesson that will provide them with the opportunity to experiment and use a variety of mediums and techniques to make and create.
Science Our Science program aims to develop and strengthen the students knowledge and understanding of science. Students are given opportunities to gain knowledge and skills through experiments and investigations.
Music All students at Kerang Primary School participate in a weekly music lesson. During these lessons, students all engage in a range of activities including singing, listening, playing, creating, and moving to music. The music lessons and assessment align with the Victorian Curriculum. During lessons, students learn, practice, and create music on a range of instruments.
We also offer students the opportunity to join our school choir, where students are encouraged to participate in various performances e.g. Carols by Candlelight, Northaven activities etc. as well as the school’s weekly assemblies.
MARC Van The MARC van teacher visits Kerang Primary School on a weekly basis and gives the students an opportunity to borrow from the library van. Lessons are also conducted which encourage the students to have a love of books and the passion to read.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program Our school involves the students in the process of planting, growing and harvesting a variety of fruits and vegetables. These are used in the kitchen to cook a wide range of dishes. Many skills are learnt in these classes including knife skills, table manners and hygiene.
Play Based Learning This is implemented in the Foundation/1 area of the school in the afternoon. This type of learning allows the students to explore, identify, negotiate, take risks and create meaning while playing. It gives our teachers a broader look into how your child is developing in a wide range of areas. By using this way of learning, with it’s focus on oral language, it is believed that your child will be more likely to have well developed memory skill, language development and be able to regulate their behaviour.
Respectful Relationships (RR) Program This program is implemented across the entire school. The RR program is designed to help strengthen social-emotional strengths of all students. The school generally focuses on one of the key areas at a time. These are Getting Along, Organisation, Persistence, Resilience and Confidence. This is a valuable program that benefits all students.
Breakfast Club Our school runs a breakfast club program that provide breakfast to all students before school on Monday and Thursday mornings. This is held in the Art Room (near the assembly area). This is a great opportunity for your child to enjoy a hot milo, cereal and some yummy toast.
ICT Technology plays an integral part in our Curriculum. It is utilised in all areas of learning and each student has the opportunity to develop their skills on computers and Ipads in a safe and educational environment. All Foundation and Grade 1 students have their own Ipad. Students in grades 2-6 are supplied with their own netbook. The school also has a webex Video conferencing and five large Promethean Boards, the most updated technology in student learning.
Buddies Program At the beginning of the year, Grade 6 students are matched with a Foundation student. They work together on different activities to build strong relationships with each other. This gives the younger students an opportunity to build their getting along skills and communication skills. It also gives the younger students a familiar face around the school. This is an extremely successful transition program from Kindergarten to Primary School.
Rotary Community Citizen’s Award This community service project is sponsored by Kerang Rotary Club and is offered to all Grade 6’s at Kerang Primary School. It allows students to develop their skills in a variety of areas. These include community service, physical education and social skills. These skills are extremely important to develop in our students so they grow into confident and well balanced young adults
Morning Fitness Students are encouraged to participate in morning fitness at 8:50am everyday. There is usually a focus, depending on what the school is training for a time. Cross country, and athletics are all part of the program.